Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The Mac and I

Late-night thoughts from August 16

Sorry, Josh and Shannon. Sorry everyone else that loves Macintosh
computers. I respect your love of macs, but I hate Macintosh
computers! After spending the evening getting kicked off of the
internet every time I accessed Facebook; after typing away blithely at
one message or another only to find that the computer has short-term
memory loss and can't find where he put my work; after attempting to
comment on someone else's post only to notice that my cursor
is moving but no words are appearing on the page--yeah, verily, after
all of these things, I do
not think that my loathing of Macintosh computers is irrational nor do
I feel that it is hasty. Maybe it
can read my thoughts and is sensing my animosity towards it, but it
certainly can't read my commands!

Late-night thoughts from August 22

I do admit that "Mac" has been trying to behave better for me lately.
But I still find myself typing blind, especially on Blogger. And I
have learned how to navigate the PC world and like the PC world, so
even if it is just that my grandma's Mac needs counseling or some
other professional help, I have to admit that I'd rather not change
this particular paradigm of mine =)

I also have to say to those of you who love your macs and have them
house-trained and even get them to do tricks, I have to say that I
look up to you with awe and happiness that somewhere in this world
there are people who can get macs to do what they want them to do more
efficiently than I will ever get a computer to do what I want it to
do. I salute you--honestly and truly and with all my heart. And I am
VERY glad that you are my friends. Your friendship makes me feel a
little smarter. =)


Joshua L. Smith said...

Being familiar with a system is 70% of computer user's hang-ups. It never ceases to amaze me how many computer users blame the computer for their ignorance.
And Joy, there's nothing wrong with having your own opionin...even if it is wrong. :)

~Joshua L Smith
Windows System Administrator by day; Macintosh addict by night.

joyfully2b4u said...

thanks for giving me permission to be wrong! it's really a freeing sort of license (show! typing blind really tests whether or not one knows how to spell without seeing the words!) I may be wrong about macs in general, but I know enough about them to know that this one has PROBLEMS!!!

still, i'm not sure I'm willing to become addicted to such a substance *grins

joyfully2b4u said...

shee what i mene about typing blind and spelling thingz write? =)

DellaRose said...

Re:the evilness of macs i need not even use one...only try to navigate itunes...AAARGH!
they may be great...yet still i choose to HATE!

Anonymous said...

*laughs at all the Mac lovas*

that's okay Joy, I hate them too. And they've never done anything to me.