Saturday, February 27, 2010

Maybe if I don't have the strength to "stand in the gap" right now, I can at least sit in it & help to "make up the hedge" . . . :)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Cleaning out a computer that has more bugs than a hive of termites . . .

Saturday, February 20, 2010

On a t-shirt showing a Lockheed Martin U-2 airplane: "In God we trust, All others we monitor"

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Times like these :/

I think every teacher is faced with such times as these: times when there is much to accomplish in a short timespan. Somehow, to accomplish the goal, the teacher has to not only keep her own mind but marshal the minds of her students into the same direction without trampling their ideas, without making them keenly feel their ignorance of the big picture, without overwhelming them with the big picture, without expecting too much of them, without expecting too little of them--any or all of which robs them of their personal investment in the project. I've arrived at such a moment again & wonder if I have the needed patience & clarity & gentleness--as well as a certain nameless quality of diplomacy--to accomplish this great task. In the end, the way the goal is accomplished is of far more importance than is the goal itself.

Monday, February 15, 2010

In which I learn that the ideas in my QUICK AND CLEVER BEADING book may all be clever but are not all quick . . . .

Monday, February 08, 2010

The story of the Handwriting on the Wall according to Ethan

In Sunday School during our study of Daniel, the kids were given handouts to complete as they read the chapters in their daily Bible reading. The handouts were fill-in-the-blank style, and here is Ethan's (age 6?) version of the story from Daniel 5 [his answers will be in caps]--"The Handwriting on the Wall"

King Belshazzar held a FEAST. 
He & his guests drank wine from God's temple AND and praised their FALSE gods. 
AN ANGEL appeared & wrote on the RULES. 
The king was afraid! Daniel AND the LORD. 
He told the king he had SINNED & would lose his HAIR. 

That's as far as Ethan was able to go before he ran out of time that week :) The worksheets have certainly been fun to read! Lol :)

Thursday, February 04, 2010

"Of course, when they were younger, my parents spent most of their time fighting crime. After all, that's what people with superpowers do--at least until they realize they have to get real jobs." ~Ordinary Boy 

"As usual, Plasma Girl was thinking sensibly--the last thing a superhero on a mission wants to do." ~Ordinary Boy

(from The Extraordinary Adventures of Ordinary Boy book one: The Hero Revealed by William Boniface)


One of my students did a grammar assignment where he had to guess the meanings of words based on the roots of the words. The book gave him some roots to use but left some for him to guess by himself. Circumscribe was one of the latter--the book told him what "circum" meant but not "scribe." 

What he put down makes an awesome "Daffynition." 

CIRCUMSCRIBE: a writer who moves around. =D

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

2 Peter 1:2-3 Today's multiplication problem :) . . . or maybe it's a chemistry equation! :D

Monday, February 01, 2010

Why poetry from the Germanic tribes was mostly oral: their fingers were too cold to write anything down! ;)