Thursday, June 29, 2006

There's a Hole in My Brain

to be sung to the tune of "There's a Hole in My Bucket"

There's a hole in my brain, Dear Joysy, Dear Joysy.
There's a hole in my brain, Dear Joysy,
A hole.

Then fix it, Dear Ruthie, Dear Ruthie.
Then fix it, Dear Ruthie,
Fix it.

There's no brain in my head, Dear Joysy, Dear Joysy.
There's no brain in my head, Dear Joysy,
No brain.

Then buy one, Dear Ruthie, Dear Ruthie.
Then buy one, Dear Ruthie,
Buy one.

I don't know where to buy one, Dear Joysy, Dear Joysy.
I don't know where to buy one, Dear Joysy,
Don't know.

There's a sale on at Costco, Dear Ruthie, Dear Ruthie.
There's a sale on at Costco, Dear Ruthie,
A sale.

But I don't have any money, Dear Joysy, Dear Joysy.
But I don't have any money, Dear Joysy,
I'm broke.

But you're working three jobs, Dear Ruthie, Dear Ruthie.
But you're working three jobs, Dear Ruthie,
Three jobs.

But I'm only working one job, Dear Joysy, Dear Joysy.
But I'm only working one job, Dear Joysy,
One job.

Then use your money to buy one, Dear Ruthie, Dear Ruthie.
Then use your money to buy one, Dear Ruthie,
Buy one.

But I don't know what one looks like, Dear Joysy, Dear Joysy.
But I don't know what one looks like, Dear Joysy,
Don't know.

Use your Biology book, Dear Ruthie, Dear Ruthie.
Use your Biology book, Dear Ruthie,
Your book.

But it doesn't have a picture, Dear Joysy, Dear Joysy.
But it doesn't have a picture, Dear Joysy,
No pics.

Then Google it, Dear Ruthie, Dear Ruthie.
Then Google it, Dear Ruthie,
Google it.

But I'm scared of Google images, Dear Joysy, Dear Joysy.
But I'm scared of Google images, Dear Joysy,
I'm scared.

Here's a picture, then, Dear Ruthie, Dear Ruthie.
Here's a picture, then, Dear Ruthie,

But you need it more, Dear Joysy, Dear Joysy.
'Cause there's a hole in your brain, Dear Joysy,
A hole.

At least I have one, Dear Ruthie, Dear Ruthie.
At least I have one, Dear Ruthie,
Have one.

But I can buy one at Cosco, Dear Joysy, Dear Joysy.
But I can buy one at Costco, Dear Joysy,
Buy one.


Anonymous said...

Wow, Joy. That is totally awesome! The people who did that must be sooo smart to be able to think up such clever verses so fast! I am totally jealous. ;)

joyfully2b4u said...

Actually, my sister and I came up with it while we were half-brain-dead and doing recycling last night. We're just good like that.

spitgirl said...

I don't even know the song. Bizarre.

joyfully2b4u said...

Bizarre--yep! we certainly are =)

Anonymous said...

wow.. your sister is awesome! I wish I could meet her some day ;)

Shannon Smith said...

Wow Joy, that sounds like something we would have come up with my Freshman year at Northland :)

Harrison Beckmann said...

This interesting. Or intruiging.

joyfully2b4u said...

don't be too intrigued, dude--you never know where such curiosity might land you =)

Addison Todd said...

At least you have a brain. More than I have.

*wonders how to wonder with no brain*

joyfully2b4u said...

Some days I wonder if I DO have a brain! then I remember that I misplaced it long ago =)

"If I only had a brain!"
~ the Scarecrow from The Wizard of Oz

Ruth Camburn. said...

I have a brain! ...somewhere... in a box... in the basement...

joyfully2b4u said...

*strains of music* "Somewhere down there, beneath the pale bulb light . . ."

Addison Todd said...

You artsy types!

*mutters to self*

joyfully2b4u said...


Anonymous said...

art is relative

Ruth Camburn. said...

How do you explain what's wrong with you if you are not an artsy type?
Art is wonderful. An expression of inner feelings.. a window into the soul!

Addison Todd said...

Not really sure I want a window into anyone's soul.

Anyway, Joy, I'm getting VERY tired of visiting your sites and finding no updates!!!!!


Ruth Camburn. said...

patience is a virtue.

Jonathan Spilger said...

I will go shopping with you two to help you find brains

joyfully2b4u said...

Jon, that's the first time anyone has ever offered to help me find a brain! Thank you =)

Anonymous said...

Joy you and Ruthy are very be able to to make this up even thought you were brain dead.i think it was cool.

joyfully2b4u said...

brain dead . . . that's why we needed to get new ones! or are me like the Scarecrow of OZ who only needed his wits sharpened?

Ruth Camburn. said...

*spins in circles singing "If I only had a brain"*

I'm losing my mind!!!
wait.. I never had one...