Monday, May 15, 2006

Goin’ to the ZOO, Zoo, zoo

. . . how about YOU, You, you? You can come TOO, Too, too . . . except that you can’t because the trip is over now. J My 5th/6th graders and I went to the St. Louis zoo today for a field trip. I love the fact that admission to the zoo is free! There’s so much to see and do for free! My grandma, Mrs. Brush, went with me to help chaperone, so I divided the kids into two groups of three, gave each group a camera and a list of categories of animals to find and photograph and let them loose. My group ambled a bit, but hers charged off as though on a mission to cover the entire zoo in the remaining half hour. By the time we met 45 minutes later, she was ready for a rest. Maybe I should have traded groups with her . . . ? I’m glad that she came with us—she made the whole trip so much easier on me and more enjoyable. I can’t wait to get the photos back and see the posters the kids put together. Seeing them learning and having fun at the same time was quite gratifying.

On the way home, I went the wrong way on I 170—south instead of north. Immediately, one of my students announced “we’re lost.” What would I do without my running commentary makers? Fortunately, I recognized the area and knew that I’d be able to get off and turn around at the next exit. It’s nice to know that I’m starting to learn St. Louis a little. All in all it was a great field trip!


Ruth Camburn. said...

so.. you can learn St. Louis just in time to come home for the summer.. and get lost some more! Don't worry.. you have your own little commentary makers out here for you too... "guess what daddy! Joy got pulled over by the police TWO TIMES!!!"

Harrison Beckmann said...

"Joy got pulled over by the police TWO TIMES!!!" Now that does NOT surprise me.

I really should try to be nice for once.

Addison Todd said...

*laughs hysterically*

Harrison, you stole my quote. Indeed, I find myself un-surprised...

*continues laughing hysterically*

Ruth Camburn. said...

well.. I don't bother you for stealing my word. Joy with a capital 'J'. I knew her first!

joyfully2b4u said...

in fear and trepidation I aks "what TWO TIMES?" I only remember the one with the license plate tags . . .

Hm . . . somehow I find myself "un-surprised" at the responses of three ________________ individuals (*speechless, but semi-flustered!*) Don't quite have the word for you three--"Interesting" just doesn't cut it on this one!

Addison Todd said...


Harrison Beckmann said...

Thank you. We try very hard.

Usually it's just miserable failure.

Ruth Camburn. said...

We are too cool to be classified with the other homo sapiens that inhabit this planet... we are "special" ^_^