Saturday, May 06, 2006

Give me a Dr. Pepper any day!

I've heard that when DP first came on the market, it was billed as something to be imbibed for medicinal purposes as well as for novelty. I can't see what is so medicinal about it, but I do know that I enjoy the flavor--I can't believe I'm blogging about the virtues of a brand of soda pop! Shouldn't I get some sort of comission for this? Then again, what is there to be said for it but that it tastes good with its tangy-rich flavor and that it (like all other sodas) leaves a nasty aftertaste? This is going nowhere.

My college roomie Shannon really got me started on drinking Dr. Pepper in earnest when she had to have one each night and added a small shot of vanilla to it. Yes, the new flavor of cherry-vanilla DP is pretty good, but I much prefer the richness of just plain vanilla.

When we went to Branson this past month, we had the opportunity to try the new berries and cream flavor. Again, the makers of Dr. Pepper are messing with a good thing. But I guess that they think they can make more money if they change things. Give me a regular Dr. Pepper anyday, and I'll be happy!


Ruth Camburn. said...

Just don't drink coke if you plan on staying in one piece... it's like acid.. hmm.. *evil glint in eye*

Addison Todd said...

How 'bout diet Dr. Pepper Joy? That's a best-seller at Chick-Fil-A.

joyfully2b4u said...

Diet anything is NASTY!

walljm said...

Ditto the diet remark.

When we get to heaven, Dr. Guimon will greet with a HUGE grin on his face and let us know that Dr. Pepper is the Official Drink of Heaven, having kicked ambrosia off its pedastal after Dr. Guimon talked Jesus into trying it. ;)

Harrison Beckmann said...

Second ditto the diet remark.

Besides, I'm sure Addison already knew that, considering the interesting experiences he's had with diet MDew.

joyfully2b4u said...

makes heaven just a bit more heavenly! is that possible?

Harrison or Addison, do tell about the interesting Mountain Dew experiences!

Ruth Camburn. said...

hmm... diet Dr. Pepper Joy? Never had it... sounds.. happy ^_^

Addison Todd said...

Let's not get into my experiences with Diet Mountain Dew.

Addison Todd said...

Because I said so. ;-)

Ruth Camburn. said...

*pout* How sad. I love 'interesting' stories!

Harrison Beckmann said...

Actually, the story is pretty simple. Addison went to QT or some place like that one time, and bought a Mountain Dew. Well, when he went to take a drink after he had left, he was expecting as he calls it, the "refreshing" (quotes to emphasize not my opinion) taste of Mountain Dew. And he got... Diet. Yes, he, vowed never to drink diet, had gotten himself a whole 32 oz. cup of Mountain Dew (I think it was 32)

I won't go into the other interesting experience he had when expecting MD and not getting it. He can tell you that one himself.

Ruth Camburn. said...

I can guess what happened already ^_^ no need for him to suffer in the retelling of it

Addison Todd said...

Harrison, you really are inherently evil. I shall remember this when you run for public office.

Ruth Camburn. said...

Yes, you shall remember his honesty. He did not hide the truth from us like you did. *accusing look*

joyfully2b4u said...

Addison, I can sympathize with you and your bad MtDew experiences! I'd HATE to have that happen to my Dr. Pepper =)