Thursday, July 26, 2007

*Drum Roll* Ta Da! Introducing: My Alter Ego!

OK, so actually it's not my alter-ego (I really haven't had one since I was like 3 years old and thought I was Superman--literally, Mom says. Wait, no, I take that back: I had an alter-ego when I was in upper elementary and middle school, but this one sorta faded away and is a memory, a good memory but a memory nonetheless. Anyway . . . *feels old middle-school alter-ego looking at her to remind her of the task at hand*). But it's my other blog.

See, I haven't really figured out how to post permanent links on blogger. Nor have I asked anyone when anyone had the time to show me. Also, I wanted to try both Blogger and Wordpress to see which I liked better. So . . . I post more thought-provoking things on my Wordpress blog (at least, they're intended to provoke thought--they certainly provoked mine before I wrote them!) and post more of my every-day--and especially light-hearted--experiences on this blog.

Probably someday I will combine them before I get a complex. Until then, you can check out the other blog, too, at
Thanks for reading and commenting on my posts--my favorite part of blogging is seeing who has read what I've written and their knee-jerk (or perhaps not so knee-jerk) reactions to what I've posted. Thanks again!

[that's for you, Cindy =D thanks for reminding me to post again! and thanks even more for reading and telling me about it!]

1 comment:

Cindy said...

Hey Joy,

I had quit reading your blog for a while because you had stopped posting, so imagine my "joy" (get the pun) and delight when I wandered onto your blog today and found quite a few new entries.
We miss your smiling face in sunny California and hope to see you during Thanksgiving or Christmas break. In the meantime, keep those posts coming.

Much Love,