Saturday, September 13, 2008

What I hate about night time

I 've become semi-nocturnal, I think. By the time night has fallen, my brain has woken up completely; and in the stillness night brings I can think and ponder. I love the quietness that comes with night--no place to go, nothing that I have to do anymore . . . except get ready for the next day. But even the getting ready seems a little easier now that night has come and everyone is asleep and I have fewer things to distract me.

Unfortunately, my mind and body have become too used to doing things at night. Going to bed at 9 or even 10 seems too early, so I stay up doing just a little more. 11 is the neutral time of night when my mind and body have agreed that it would be fine to go to sleep . . . if I wasn't already wrapped up in what I am currently doing (since I went ahead and started something at 9 or 10). By the time I have finally wrapped up everything and gotten ready for bed, it's approaching 12.

To throw a moneky wrench into the way things work, I am starting to get sleepy around 8 or 9 (which, of course, my mind and body have agreed is too early for bed). However, by 10 or 11, I am awake again and ready to think about things or get things done, and by the time I wind down or get sleepy again, it's . . . you guessed it: 12 (or 1 or 2!).

Counting sheep doesn't work.

Reading wakes me up (unless it's in the day time).

Writing wakes me up, too.

In fact, I can't think of anything that makes me sleepy at the "awake" time of night. Unless I have somewhere that I have to go to get home at that time of night. Then I fall into an awake kind of sleep--awake but unaware and semi-incoherent. I'm a mess right now =)

So, though I do love night time (it's a great time for a lot of things!), right now it's a battle for me. A strange sort of negotiation with myself.


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