Saturday, January 20, 2007

Snow days

When I lived in South Dakota as a kid growing up, snow days were eagerly hoped for and welcomed with open arms. I'll never forget the day my prediction of a snow day came true in spite of Dad's belief that we would have school the next day. Living in California close to the coast eliminated the possibility of snow days from my high school years, and living on the Northland Baptist Bible College campus meant that we could make it to class in almost any weather.

In moving to Missouri, I hoped for snow days again. Yes, even though it meant being a little behind in my class schedule for the year, I was willing to pay the price. Isn't it ironic that the first REAL snow days I have seen since my move 2 and a half years ago have come in the year I am not teaching in a regular school classroom?


Anonymous said...

Joy I like snow but. We did not get that much this year.Oh ye we were hoping that you to girls would have snow days to.

Some girl from Raleigh. said...

Dear Joy,

I have been thinking about you way off in MO, where people kidnap others and hold them captive for 4 years, kill each other and leave bodies strewn about fields, muddle through blizzards, tornadoes, power outages and can still come to terms with the existance of places like Kansas City, where they are rumored to eat Krispy Kreme hamburgers.

Alex and I are goign to drive throu St. Louis on our way to NC this summer to see what all the hoopla is about. If we can get through without being killed by another Missourian, or by a tornado, or the fat from a Krispy Kreme Hamburger, we would like to see you.

I lost you email. Please comment on my blog and leav it there. Be careful out there. Alex and I worry about you everytime we hear MO in the news.

Love, charity