Saturday, April 22, 2006

Guest Writer: ME!

Wow Joy... You have so little posts. So I'll add one more ^_^ aren't I such a good goober. Now you will hear about the other goober... the one who sneaks into her own home on weekends ^_^
Only Tom and I knew that Joy was coming home Friday night. So of course we had to get dad and mom to stay up long enough to welcome home their sneaky daughter. Dad picked me up from youth group and said, "Tommy said someone was coming to visit tonite, do you know who it it?"
Me: "Yeah, it's the Homs isn't it?"
Dad: "Why would they come visit so late?"
Me: "uuh... maybe they were busy and couldn't come earlier... OR maybe they knew I had a game today and that I wouldn't get home until really late and wanted to see ME!!"

*laughs* at least we got him to stay up... but then, around 11:30 pm, Joy called. She was lost and needed directions. A dead giveaway. ^_^


joyfully2b4u said...

props to an AWESOME set of siblings who kept my secret so well for me!

Addison Todd said...

Why did we do this, girls? Joy is Ruth, Ruth is Joy... Whatever...

Ruth Camburn. said...

If a=b and b=c then a=c.
If Ruth=girl and Joy=girl then Joy=Ruth.
I just had to say that ^_^

Ruth Camburn. said...

and we are not girls... we are MATURE YOUNG WOMEN!... *silence* okay.. forget the mature part ^_^

joyfully2b4u said...

hey, speak for yourself!

Addison Todd said...

Someone's been watching to much Numb3rs... RUTH!!!

Ruth Camburn. said...

I didn't get that from Numb3rs.. it's something my friends and I always say...

Addison Todd said...

I was talking about:

If a=b and b=c then a=c.
If Ruth=girl and Joy=girl then Joy=Ruth.

Ruth Camburn. said...

no.. seriously, I didn't get that from numb3rs.. my friends and i use that..