Saturday, March 05, 2011

Haiku/Senryu of the day

I began an exercise during the month of February in which I attempted to capture something about the day in haiku or senryu form. (actually, the exercise itself only lasted through the month of Feb)

The basic format is 3 lines of approximately 17 syllables, usually 17 AT THE MOST. Typically, the first line has 5 syllables, the second 7, the last 5 again. Also, the goal of haiku is to encapsulate a moment, a vivid moment, rather like a very focused picture. The goal of senryu is to capture a juxtaposition of human character (esp. foibles) and circumstance. I am afraid that most of these do little justice to either form, other than following the syllables (usually), and some require more explanation than is their due. But it was a fun exercise, and I hope that they will be enjoyable =)

I will be labeling them by the date as I post them. I actually wrote more than one on most days.


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